Hunar Chatbot

Synergise candidate recruiter relationship through WhatsApp

WhatsApp bots transform the recruitment lifecycle with engaging conversational experiences for candidates, significantly enhancing recruiter efficiency by automating routine administrative tasks.

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Automate & elevate your recruitment process

Enhanced recruitment funnel

Connect job seekers with the ideal roles through engaging conversations and a simplified application process.

Full automation

From application to joining, automate every step on WhatsApp, allowing recruiters to focus on nurturing talent rather than administrative tasks.

24/7 pipeline growth

Engage with both active and passive candidates continuously, ensuring your talent pipeline never sleeps.

The innovation behind
Hunar.AI chatbot

Leveraging WhatsApp and other communication channels, Hunar.AI propels candidate engagement through every recruitment phase. Our integration of deep learning and intelligent workflows, powered by cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence, delivers an unparalleled experience for candidates and a high-performance tool for recruitment teams.

Hunar.AI chatbot in action

Boost candidate

Our chatbot simplifies the application process on WhatsApp, attracting a larger volume of applicants

& assess

Streamline your talent pool with an efficient application process, ensuring you interact with only the most qualified candidates.

Interview scheduling &

Automate interview arrangements and keep candidates engaged before, during, and after interviews.

Enhanced candidate experience

Keep candidates engaged by sharing job roles and company info through an AI-powered knowledge base.

Hunar.AI optimizes recruitment, enabling focus on talent development and connecting job seekers to roles efficiently with AI.

Ready to transform your recruitment process?
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